Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Latin Roots #4

Roots and Derivatives:
bon, boun - good
capit, capt - chief
carn(i) - flesh
ced(e), ceed, cess - surrender
Word List:
accession - joining or part of a group
An example of an accession is when somebody joins a club.
bona fide - genuine, good faith
To have a good relationship, you must be bona fide so people will accept your true self.
bonanza - an unexpected amount of money
Finding $1000 in a wallet on the ground would be a bonanza.
bounteous - abundant, plentiful
A bounteous forest includes several plants, trees, and wild life.
capitulation - to surrender completely
A sign of capitulation would be the white flag.
carnage - remains of slaughter
After a brutal carnage, it was easy to see who won.
carnivorous - flesh eating
Zombies are carnivorous and could be considered cannibals.
incarnate - manifest; especially in human form
Humans themselves are incarnates.
intercede - to plead on behalf of another
If someone is having a hard time explaining, someone else may intercede for them.
precedent - an example or pattern
In a textbook, you may find many precedents in order to clarify your confusion.
recapitulation - to briefly summarize; a repition
To study quickly and efficiently, students may do a recapitulation of the notes they just took.
reincarnation - the act of being born into another form after death
In Hinduism, people try to escape the cycle of reincarnation in order to seek salvation.

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