Sunday, September 7, 2014

Journal Entry

     So many young people want are in a rush to grow up because they want to know what it's like to be an adult. They think it's "cool" and want to experience more freedom. Younger people have these expectations of being grown up, like having a car, owning a house, and starting a family. They tend to romanticize the idea and forget about all of the responsibility that goes along with being an adult. So many older people want to be young because when you're younger, you're less stressed because you don't have as many responsibilities as an adult does. As a kid, you get guidance from others on how to improve yourself, whether you're at school or at home. As an adult, nobody's really there to watch over you; you have to figure thing out on your own. I think that the age 15 is a very confusing time for everybody because everyone's trying to experience different things and find out who they are and what they want. It's that age where you are in between being a child and a young adult. You want to be independent, but sometimes you can forget about your responsibilities. Although 15 can be a confusing age, you get to try out out so many different things. You have to balance between having fun and getting work done.


  1. Dang you really hit the spot on this journal. I could not have said it better any way myself. Very good job Lara :) I wish I could write as good as you.

  2. Wow. Amazing writing great point. I really agree with you.

  3. Great journal, i have nothing to say because this journal says it all perfectly.

  4. Really good journal entry Lara. I totally agree with you that kids are in such a rush to grow up. I also agree with you in the fact that you do have to balance out having fun and getting things done.

  5. This was a great journal entry ! I agree 100%. Many of us want to grow up but then again don't think of the responsibilities that come aging with it.

  6. I agree with your entry. Many kids in this generation look towards growing up, but they miss everything that's right in front of them. They forget to take advantage of the time they have.

  7. I must admit that wanting more liberty is the number one factor for youth in this generation to want to grow up. They (including myself) forget about the responsibility that comes with adulthood. Very well written journal Lara.
