1. act/ag/ig - to do, to move, to drive
2. ali/alter - another, other
3. am - at, to love
4. anim - life, spirit, soul
1. Agenda: a schedule of duties, programs, or events to be discussed or carried out
I bring an agenda with me to school to write down all of my assignments.
2. Agile: exhibiting physical quickness and dexterity; mentally alert
If you are not agile, you can get stuck in a building that is caught on fire.
3. Alienate: to antagonize or estrange
In class, peers can alienate one person because they don't fit their standard of normal.
4. Altercation: a quarrel or bitter argument
An altercation can break out at school if students bring weapons to school.
5. Amiable: friendly; good natured
I don't like to fight with others, so I always try to act amiably.
6. Amorous: loving; passionate; suggesting desire
Sometimes people can be more amorous towards fictional characters, rather than ones from reality because of the lack of one on one interaction.
7. Animated: spirited; lively; vivacious
People who appear animated can actually bring up your mood, if you allow them to.
8. Equanimity: calmness; composure
During stressful times, you have to have equanimity in order to be able to focus and work efficiently.
9. Inalienable: not allowing of change or transfer
If you're in the middle of the school year and try to change your schedule, it will be inalienable because of all of the classes that are already full.
10. Inanimate: lacking the qualities associated with a living organism; lacking spirit or energy
Someone can be inanimate simply because the feel tired all of the time or lack confidence.
11. Magnanimous: generous and noble of spirits; inclined to forgive
I think I am magnanimous in the aspect that I forgive a lot, but I never forget.
12. Reactionary: in opposition to progress
If I was more reactionary than I am now, I would be on a much darker path than I am on currently.