Thursday, December 11, 2014

Leopard Man ?'s #9-15

9. Why is Tom Leppard called "Leopard Man?"

He is called "Leopard Man" because he is tattooed from head to toe with leopard spots.

10. What does the author think about people with tattoos and piercings? Why does he have these opinions?

The author thinks that people with tattoos and piercings are desperate for society's attention, so they go for shock value. He is unimpressed by them. He has these opinions because he believes they have an obsession with displaying their freakishness since they are psychologically dependent others' opinions.

11. How is Leopard Man different from other tattooed and pierced people?

Leopard Man is different from other tattooed and pierced people because he doesn't like for other people's reactions. He lives for solitude.

12. Where does Leopard Man live?

Leopard Man lives in a small cabin in the Scottish wilderness.

13. According to Feys, what kind of people does society fear?

According to Feys,  society fears loners (mysterious creatures who pursue their own values without seeking others' permission or permitting others to hamper them).

14. What is "The world's most  common but dangerous psychological disorder? " Explain Feys' s argument in this paragraph.

Conformity can be seen as the world's most prevalent and mist pernicious psychological disorder. Feys says that it's consequences are oppression and destruction of one's self. By living in society, we are under constant pressure to change ourselves.

15. Why is Leopard Man so happy?

Leopard Man is so happy because he has seceded from society, so he is free from social pressures. He's able to be happy doing what he likes. He remarked, "As far as I'm concerned, if there is a paradise on Earth, I'm in it. You're welcome go what you've got. I'll keep this."

Latin Roots #7

Roots and Derivatives:

1. Duc(t),  duce - to lead
2. Fed(er), fid(e) - faith, trust
3. Fin(e) - end, limit
4. Flect, flex - to bend


1. Aqueduct - a large pipe or other conduit made to bring water from a great distance

Tons of liquefied waste pass through the disposal aqueduct daily.

2. Conducive - tending to lead,  help, assist, or result in

Anything conducive to living a long life will probably be good for you.

3. Definitive - completely accurate, reliable, and authoritative; decisive or conclusive

A definitive interpretation is likely to be a complete one.

4. Fidelity - faithfulness to one's promises or obligation; steadfast faithfulness; technological faithfulness

Personal fidelity must include trustworthiness.

5. Fiduciary - an individual who holds something in trust for another;  a trustee

A financial fiduciary is likely to handle some of your money for you.

6. Finale - a "grand" conclusion, as of a performance; the last scene of a play

One expects the finale of a performance to come at the end.

7. Finite - limited or bordered by time or by any measurement; measurable

All finite creatures must eventually face death.

8. Flexuous - winding in and out;  bending or wavering

A flexuous stance is unsteady and uncertain.

9. Inducement - anything used or given to persuade or motivate; an incentive

Inducements are usually intended to motivate or persuade.

10. Inflection - a slight change in tone or modulation of the voice,  as in a point of emphasis

Using inflection in a performance will help the actor's voice reach to the end of the auditorium.

11. Perfidious - characteristic of one who would intentionally betray a faith or trust; treacherous

A perfidious act involves betrayal and deception.

12. Traduce - to speak falsely of; to slander or defame; to disgrace another's good name; to vilify

To traduce the reputation of another is to slander it.